
Wednesday 14 November 2012


Hi guys,
Its half way through the second week and I've hit a hiccup. I have had a few things going on in life that have been rather draining and its caused me to not even feel like writing at all so far. The word count stands at 5,137 still and until I get my 'mojo' back it wont get any higher. I have sat at this computer many times this week, opened my WIP and stared at the writing. I've edited a few places that had glaring mistakes. I have even been on a spell checking rampage. But not one more word was written... Truthfully, I'm in no rush to finish the book. I'm happy to let it go on for quite some time as I really am an amateur and need to learn a hell of a lot before I would be comfortable saying 'It's Finished!'.

So to all of you: What motivates you to write? Do you block off time or are you more of a casual writer like me? Do you have a place or a person or some other muse to motivate you? Make sure you leave a reply in the comments and you may just help me or another struggling writer get back into the groove!

Best Wishes

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